1. My Family
2. My Friends
3. My Dogs
4. Loud Music
5. Blizzard Games
6. Books
7. Joss Whedon Shows
8. Thunderstorms
9. Learning random things
10. Glee
11. NanoWriMo
12. Mario Kart
13. Clever Jokes
14. Anne Bishop
15. Ireland
16. Disneyland
17. How I Met Your Mother
18. Dancing
19. Blarney Castle
20. Venetian Masks
21. Airplanes
22. Harry Potter
23. KKK, G.
24. Christmas
25. Christmas Music
26. Celtic Thunder
27. Presents
28. Buying other people presents
29. The 10th Kingdom
30. Wicked!
31. Mamma Mia!
32. Pride & Prejudice
33. Cute boys
34. Bunnies
35. My new phone
36. Mumford & Sons
37. Jensen Ackles
38. Disney movies
39. Kaitlyn <3
40. Backpacking
41. Stew
42. Presidents Choice Crackle Icecream
43. Mashed Potatoes
44. Candy
45. Waterfalls
46. Monty Python
47. Sleep
48. LaserQuest
49. Used Bookstores
50. Perry Sound
51. Couch surfers
52. Oldies
53. Cute Hats
54. The Sims
55. Parrots
56. My fish tank
57. Filling my loonie tube
58. Kittens
59. Coyotes, Galway
60. Harvest Moon Games
61. Kingdom Hearts
62. Die Hard
63. Unexpectedly good movies
64. Gilmore Girls
65. Treadmills
66. New friends
67. To-do lists
68. SWAP
69. Roomate Bingo
70. Shoe Crazy!
71. Rachel Vincent
72. The Hobbit
73. Douglas Adams
74. I Never...
75. The thinking game
76. Frozen Dinners
77. Creating Something
78. Taking pictures
79. DJ Delirious
80. My job so far
81. Ellen Degeneres
82. Rediscovering old music
83. Books you cant put down
84. Crazy bread
85. Drive In movies
86. FML
87. Webcomics
88. Getting mail
89. Beaches
90. Seamus Kisses
91. Naps
92. Ribs
93. Sherbert
94. Cuddles
95. Hot tubbing
96. Scented candles
97. Stuff I loved as a kid
98. Not having to wear socks
99. Love
100. Life
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